Best Low Cost Marketing Strategies For Small Online Businesses.

Exchange Links

Make Money This, Make Money That, What’s The Best Marketing Tactic, That Costs Me Naught! Small business owners start small. No biggie there. Therefore, saving on their cost is one of the most important things an online business owner can do for their business. Otherwise if you are not working on a tight advertising budget, you could easily see all your savings thrown out the window very fast.

Best Low Cost Marketing Exchange Links Strategies For Small Online Businesses.Below are a few great cost efficient marketing strategies for small online businesses. Link exchanges to exchange links

One of the few remaining strategies that cost almost next to nothing for small online business owners is to exchange links to take advantage of link exchange services. Link exchange is a strategy commonly used by SEO experts to build their backlinks. However, if you are building your links exchanges with the right websites, you could be getting a lot of overflow traffic from the sites that you choose to exchange links with. The best way to get other people to exchange links with you is to ensure that your website has value and existing traffic.

This way, other websites will not hesitate to exchange links with yours because they are looking for more traffic as well. You can choose to exchange links directly with your competitors in the same niche (which is much harder to do) or you could exchange links with websites that are not in your same niche but have the traffic with the right demographics that you are seeking out for.

A better version of these link exchanges would be a banner exchange. A banner should get you a lot more traffic if your banner is a high click through rate designed.


Pinterest is now on the rise. People are flocking into Pinterest every day to look at interesting photos. Like the old saying go, when there’s people there’s traffic. So off you go to Pinterest and make use of the traffic there and post attractive and click inducing pictures and bring the traffic to your website. Make sure that you do not try to hard sell the traffic at first instead you should focus on getting them subscribed to your email list.

Only try to sell or promote to the traffic you get later on via your email newsletters. While you are at it, you should also try to use Pinterest to market yourself and brand yourself as the expert in your field. This way, by the time people arrive at your landing page, they will already have a certain level of trust in you which will make the conversions, be it a subscription or a purchase later… a much easier process.

Contests and giveaways.

You can easily go to high-traffic sites such as a forum and organize a content or giveaway event. People with the same interest in the forum will certainly be curious to what you have to offer. Make sure to provide a lot of value and give away only valuable gifts to help build the trust that you need. Again, your goal here is not to make a sale right off the bat. In fact, you are only trying to entice them to opt-in to your list and only after that will you try to slowly educate them on what you are selling and then actually try to sell it to them while offering them a special discounted price on the product that you are pushing.

You can try to organize these events on social sites as well. Everyone loves free stuff, especially when the stuff that you plan to give away is actually helpful. The psychology behind this strategy is to provide good value first so that people know that you are the real deal and that they can count on you to help them solve their problems.

Refer-a-Friend programs

Going viral or word of mouth advertising is like a dream come true for most marketers. Hence, refer a friend strategy was born to help induce the viral factor of a product and hopefully get more of your existing customers to help you spread the good words about your product via words of mouth. To improve the response and the use of your tell a friend program, you can offer s special discount to those who helped refer a friend to your business.

This strategy can be implemented in most online businesses even for a service provider. As a service provider you could offer a special ‘service’ or bonus for your customers if they help ‘tell a friend’ or two about your business. The best part of this strategy is that it is very easy to use and it is very easy for your customers to help you out as well when you use the ‘tell a friend’ script on your website.

Affiliate marketing

Setting up your own affiliate marketing program is essentially one of the best and cheap methods you can hope to implement on your website. An affiliate program could potentially skyrocket your business exponentially. This is because all you need is a super affiliate and your business will be booming in no time assuming that you can get a super affiliate to promote for you.

However, getting a super affiliate to promote to you at the early stage is probably asking for too much. For starters you should try to get your conversions high. Next, place your affiliate offer and market it on affiliate networks. Once you have a few affiliates promoting for you, you can then try to approach some super affiliates and try to get them to promote for you. When you have an army of affiliates who is willing to promote for you, then you can sit back and watch the snowball effect run rampant to bring you what is known as … success.

Best Low Cost Marketing Exchange Links Strategies For Small Online Businesses.

Best Low Cost Marketing Exchange Links Strategies For Small Online Businesses.

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About the Author: Wilson Cowden

There are many people who get stuck in a rut because of all their cumbersome duties and responsibilities that come attached to owning a franchise, but the experience does not always have to be a dreadful one if creativity enters the picture!

One Comment to “Best Low Cost Marketing Strategies For Small Online Businesses.”

  1. Another variation to article marketing is to use a blog. You should publish your articles on your own blog post as well. This is so that for people who are actively search for your product or your name online can land on your blog and learn a lot more about you and your expertise. This will easily help you educate your traffic and sometimes, no sales message is even required to make a sale when people really trust you. All you need is a lot of patience and slowly build that brand. Remember, the difference between the biggest business out there and those that are barely surviving is branding. So make a difference today and start branding to your success. see your readership improve and so will your profits. Sell text links on your WordPress blog

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