How to get your content shared.

Email Solo Advertising Advice

One of the things about writing content online is that you absolutely need to be able to write something that people would want and like about it. With a good content, you will think that it should be an easy task to get your content shared right? The answer may shock you because most of the time, writing a good content alone is not enough to get your content shared. What is it then will you be able to do to improve your chances to get the content which took you so much effort and time to write and get it shared?

There is a saying when it comes to online success and it goes something like this ‘It’s not what you know… it’s who you know that matters’. There is so much truth to this line and guess what? This applies in terms of getting your written work shared as well. There are a few ways to help you improve your chances of getting your content shared as we shall explore it below next.

Did you ask properly?

While most of us would think that other publishers are in need of contents of their sites or blog, you would assume they would jump at the opportunity publish your content as long as you have a good one. Now this is a big misconception. The first thing that you would want to know is that there isn’t a lack of content online. In fact, big publishers actually get a lot more content submitted to them that you might want to think so in this case, you’ve got yourself a competition.

So when there are a lot of people submitting content to them, the best way and also the hassle free way to choose the content they would use isn’t usually the best content. Instead, they would go to contents submitted by those who are close to them or those who they like or know personally. Another factor to be taken into consideration here is that are you visible to them or not. Many marketers still hold to the traditional believe that if they ‘build it and it will come’ kind of mentality. If you think people will just be able to magically appear at your doorsteps and share your content then you are wrong. You need to be the one approaching them and ask them properly. Not only will you need to sell your article, you need to befriend them.

The more you are able to develop a sort of relationship with them the better. The hard part is to actually do this to a lot of the publisher within your niche and this can be a daunting task indeed. You can also encourage your site visitors to share your content… all you need to do is to ask appropriately.
Did you show them how?

The next thing you will need to ask yourself is if you have taken the time to show people how they can share your content. You need to provide people with an easy way to share your content and you will also need to provide people with clear instructions to help them help you get your content shared. You will be surprised at just how many people who love your content that are willing to share it but don’t know how.

This comes as no surprises because not everyone of your site visitors is in the know on how to share contents online via social media such as Facebook, twitter or etc. even when they have been actively using these social media platforms for a long time. Therefore… you need to make sure that it is a pleasant experience and be sure to actually reward those who take action to help you share your content.

Normal visitors are much different from the site publisher as they know nothing much about the methods to share your content. Not only that, you will find that the motivating factor between these two kinds of people sharing your content is entirely different. One will wish to share your content because they genuinely love it and the other will share your content so that they can grow their business and live an easier life.

Consider helping them out first.

One of the things about getting publishers to share your content for you is that you need to think of ways to help them out first. For normal visitors on your site, you will already be doing a good thing for them if you focus on writing the absolute best content for them and provide them with ample content from time to time. Publishers are like Joint Venture partners, you will need to help them out first in order to get their attention, and once you get it, you will be in a better position to get your content published and shared.

The logical thing to right now would be to help out your publishers first is to actually contact them to see if you could be any help to them at all. You could offer your services for free or just try to promote their site first. This will eventually get you in good terms with the publisher. When you are finally having a good relationship with a publisher, you should not just stop there. Try your best to keep doing what you do to please them. Always remember that this is a long term investment. Hence, a long term relationship with them would mean that you will be able to quickly get people to share your content online… whenever you want to and that’s an achievement on its own.

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About the Author: Wilson Cowden

There are many people who get stuck in a rut because of all their cumbersome duties and responsibilities that come attached to owning a franchise, but the experience does not always have to be a dreadful one if creativity enters the picture!

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