Tips and tricks to improve your landing page

Email Solo Advertising Advice

If you are doing any advertising on the internet at all then you should know just how important your landing page is and that you absolutely need to optimize it for the best performance. A landing page is the page where the traffic that you buy or acquire will land on as soon as they click on your link. Usually landing pages are used to sell a product, pre-sell a product or get the target visitors to subscribe to your offer or newsletter.

Therefore in order to get the best results for your landing page, you should always try to constantly tweak and improve your landing page. There are many proven ways to improve a landing page be it on the graphics part or the copywriting part. You can also improve your landing page to give a psychological edge to help you achieve the goals of your landing page. Let us now take a look at some of these tactics. Below are some useful tips and tricks to give your landing page a boost in performance.

Tip #1: Mention the referrer.

One of the best ways to get your landing page to convert well be it for an opt-in or for a sale is to mention the referrer on top of the landing page. That means as soon as the visitor lands on your landing page, they would see a hint on top of the page that tells them that they are at the right place after clicking on a link that brought them to your landing page.

For example, if you are buying an advertisement on a PPC platform, and you were targeting a keyword such as ‘Healthy Living’ and that your actual advertisement has a headline that says ‘Healthy Living Tips’, then on your landing page you should place the phrase ‘Welcome to Healthy Living Tips’. When you do this, it can help indicate to your visitors that they are on the correct website. This relevancy of your landing page will also be rewarded by the search engines as well.

Another good example would be that if you are getting traffic from a JV partner who sends traffic to your landing page via an email promotion. When the traffic lands on your page the first thing you should show them is ‘Special offer for subscribers of Jason X’ or ‘Welcome Loyal Customers of Jason X’ and this will help prime the visitors to feel that your landing page offer is unique and exclusive for them. All of these small tweak can help you presell to your site traffic and get them to feel that this is a rare opportunity to grab a rare offer.

When you mention a referrer you will be able to inflict a sense of relevance and importance of them being on your page. This will get them to actually take your message on your landing page more seriously. There’s another variation where you can use a geo targeting system to get your visitors to feel at home and connected to your landing page. When they land on your landing page you can welcome them and mention their location. For example you can say ‘Welcome Dear Friend From Connecticut…’ and almost instantly you will get their attention especially if they are from the said place. Hence use this wisely and you will be able to quickly boost your landing page’s performance. Pair this phrase with a strong Headline and you should be all prepped and ready.

Tip #2: Don’t waste time.

Another great tip to creating a good landing page is not to waste the time of the people who lands on your page. Make sure to get their attention fast, give them a good first impression and then go straight to telling them why they should not click the close button.

It is this exact reason why a lot of video landing pages are not getting as good of a response from short text landing pages because Video landing pages tends to take a lot longer time to load the page and the video message. This will cause the visitors to leave the page because they feel that the landing page is a big waste of their time.

This then brings us to another relevant point and that would be the average loading time for your landing page. Make sure that it loads almost instantly and when it does load, your landing page should make a very good impression and give them a good reason to stay. If your landing page is able to do this, then almost half the battle has already been won. All you have to do next is to give them something of value in order to get them to respond to your message.

Tip #3: Above the fold.

This tip above the fold has been told countless times but since it is very important to help you improve that landing page of yours, we decide to mention it anyway. Above the fold simply means that the area of your landing page that does not require a scroll down. Make sure that most of your important elements and benefits of your landing page are squeezed into this ‘above the fold’ area. This is so that when people lands on your landing page, they will never have to scroll down your landing page in order to make head over toes of what your landing page is about. When you do this, you will instantly get you a quick boost of your landing page’s overall performance.

Tip #4: Zero distractions.

Another great tip of a landing page is to make sure that your landing page is laser focused. Do not place any ads or unnecessary links or navigation bar on your landing page. Your landing page should be focused on only one goal. This is why using a blog post as a landing page is always a bad idea. Make sure that your landing page only speaks about one thing and then get them to take only 1 action. As the saying goes, ‘He who is everywhere is actually nowhere’. Hence, try your best not to have any distractions on your landing page at all so that your visitors will not get distracted while they are still on your landing pages.

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About the Author: Wilson Cowden

There are many people who get stuck in a rut because of all their cumbersome duties and responsibilities that come attached to owning a franchise, but the experience does not always have to be a dreadful one if creativity enters the picture!

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