3 Online marketing aspects you should know.

Just To Be An Internet Marketer

To be an internet marketer online requires lots of marketing skills. And it takes time to acquire these skills too for most people as most of us starts with zero marketing skill knowledge. Therefore, as an internet marketer, we must certainly try our best to sharpen our skills at all times. The internet is every changing and internet marketing itself is a dynamic thing. If you just lay there lazy for a few weeks, you might not be able to catch up with all the changes and improvements that are going on in the internet marketing world.

3 Online marketing aspects you should know.One SEO could be the hottest trend, the next day it could die out on you. Another trend will pop up next just to die out because PPC turned bad due to Google’s impactful changes. There is no constant in the to be an internet marketer in this internet marketing world, or perhaps a better way to word it is that the only constant thing online is change. What this means for us marketers is that we need to always stay sharp and try to learn as much as we can as we grow. If you are trying to learn everything before you begin taking actions, then you will never start.

With that said, there are 3 things that you should notice as an internet marketer today and that is if you are using the right strategy when you are handling your customer’s reviews, the use of online video advertising and last but not least, the coupon model, is it something you should be able to use as a small-business owner.

We begin with the first one.

What’s a good strategy to handle the reviews that you get for your products?
It is indeed a fact that online reviews on your product and services do impact your business revenues. Therefore it is without a doubt that as an internet marketer you need to be absolutely certain that you are using the right strategies when it comes to customer reviews.

When it comes to reviews, comments or ratings, there are always good and bad reviews. The best thing you can do to get good reviews is to provide a good service and a product that works. If it is a good review, then you are in for a treat but do not just stop there. Try to see if you can further improve your business to stay ahead of the competition. Always try to give thanks to those who leave a good review of Feedback and encourage them to return.

If you are getting bad reviews, try to handle the situation maturely and learn to improve on your mistakes. A great way to stop the situation from going bad is to just tell them that their suggestion has been noted and will be included in the next update or something similar. Always be sure not to escalate the argument to a point of no return. If indeed you are at fault, then apologize and try to solve the problem for the customer. If it isn’t your fault, then try to explain clearly and then leave it as it is. There is no point to dwell on difficult customers who will not listen.

Are Video Ads Effective?
Like most advertising methods, the effectiveness of your advertisement depends heavily on whether you are doing it right and if your audience is targeted or not. Hence, these days, it is common to see Ads running on a video which you have decided to watch on YouTube or other similar video sites.

Studies have shown that the best way to get the attention is to surprise the viewers. To surprise a viewer, you should make your ad start with an interesting audio and visual presentation. Now to retain the attention that you get and avoid the people from clicking on the ‘skip ad’ button, you need to be able to bring people to experience ‘curiosity’ or ‘joy’. If people are curious of what you have to show in your ad, they will watch on.

Similarly, if your ad is projecting a positive emotion, namely ‘joy’ or ‘happiness’ then your chances of retaining the viewers’ attention will be much higher. You should always avoid displaying a boring ad or an annoying one because this will kill the mood right away.

Should you implement coupon technology?

The short answer is yes. People love coupons. This is because people have associated coupons with a discount. Therefore, if you have a converting offer, then implementing coupons can easily get you more sales as people who are on the fence will usually take the plunge while the coupons or discount offer is still available.
The magic is in the mentality when people are using the coupon. They get a feeling that they are getting your product at a deep discount, and this will always improve conversions. Nothing works better than letting your customers buy with a smile on their face. This way, they will always go through your funnel in a positive attitude, and the fact that they will keep coming back for more in the future tells you that you are doing the right thing.

However, you need to be careful not to overuse the coupon strategy because it might not feel special to them anymore if you are overusing this strategy. The key here is to get to feel as a ‘winner’ emotionally. A good example of a successful company who takes the coupon strategy to another level is Groupon. Groupon has made a lot of people happy, and they have made a lot of businesses a lot of new leads as well. Learn from Groupon and you will see just why Groupon is so successful and why making people happy is the way to go when it comes to business.

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An Internet Marketer

3 Online marketing aspects you should know.

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About the Author: Wilson Cowden

There are many people who get stuck in a rut because of all their cumbersome duties and responsibilities that come attached to owning a franchise, but the experience does not always have to be a dreadful one if creativity enters the picture!

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