Email Subject Lines That Work Wonders.

The undying power of email marketing is undeniable. Since the very beginning of email marketing, it has worked wonders for email marketers and brought tremendous wealth to those who spend the time to build a strong list and taking good care of the relationship with their list. One quick broadcast to a responsive list could mean thousands of dollars that go into the pocket of the list owner. What this ultimately is… it is like the ability to print out money. There is no doubt then, smart marketers will try to put in the effort to build a huge list for as a long term strategy. It does however take some skills to get write great emails that get opened and read.

Those who are good at this will reap in huge benefits from even a small list because you get a lot more people on your list opening your emails and this then precede into getting your emails read, links clicked on and sales made. So how should one write a good subject headline to get their emails noticed and opened? Below are some pointers to help you out with your email subject headlines.

Is your headline useful?

The first element that should appear in your email subject headline is if your subject headline is useful or not? You need to understand that the real problem with email marketing these days is that everyone is doing it and so this creates a huge amount of emails received by an individual every day. People will scan through their Inbox every day in search for personal emails and emails that actually matters to them. All of the other emails they get will quickly be deleted and some would even end up being marked as spam. So if you are a smart marketer, you should realize by now just how important it is your subject headline is.

You see, not only should your subject headline be something important and helpful so that it gets opened, your subject headline need to be able to avoid getting deleted without even getting a chance to be read. Hence, whenever you want to write your email subject headline, place yourself in the shoes of subscribers and ask yourself this question… ‘Is this email going to be useful to me?’. If you cannot get a solid answer from this question, you need to go back to the drawing board. Too many marketers leave this to chance which is why they are not getting the amount of email open rate that they desire.

The good thing when you are doing this consistently with your email subject headline is that the more times you get people to open up your emails, the more people will start to trust you and the more the brand awareness will work for you. This is because people will remember you if they notice your subject headlines and open the email to read it. Every time they feel the urge to open your email to read what you have to say, you are actually building a strong impression on them that tells them that you know what you are doing.

A sense of urgency.

The next element that you should place into your email subject headlines is to make sure that your email has a sense of urgency. Never give your subscribers the choice to read your email later on. It will only get your emails deleted. The battle of attention in this world that is filled with marketing noise has reached to a very uncomfortable height. If you do not pressure your subscribers to read your emails now, then you probably won’t be able to do it anymore later.

It’s a now or never situation and you are responsible to get these important elements correct in your email subject headline. If your headline has a sense of urgency, then you will see a tremendous increase in the open rate of emails. Of course, you can’t expect to have a sense of urgency in all your future headlines because if every one of your headline is urgent then none is. Time your emails right and place urgent headlines when it matters the most. If you are promoting for one offer, make it a habit to promote it for the entire week and send out around 2 to 3 emails for that product. This way you can place the urgency headline in one of the emails that you send out that week. This will greatly improve your overall email marketing campaign.

Compact Subject Lines Is The Way To Go.

As you might have noticed, there is a word limit to your subject headlines. Although you can place quite a few words in your subject headline even with the word limit that exists, you should know that not every single word will show on your Inbox and this differs greatly from one email service provider from another. This usually means that you need to keep your subject headlines for your promotional emails as compact and as short as possible. It works great when your headline is short and easy to read. The longer email headlines are usually skimmed and ignored. This is a bad thing because no matter how well your headline is, if you do not pass the eye filter your email long email headline will never get read.

Try it yourself by split testing your email headlines. Send out two similar emails with different headlines where one is much longer than the other. You will be surprised at the difference of the number of people that opens up your emails with the shorter headline as opposed to the one with a lengthy one. This is a classic example of keeping it short and simple and the saying ‘less is more’ definitely applies to your email subject headlines.

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About the Author: Wilson Cowden

There are many people who get stuck in a rut because of all their cumbersome duties and responsibilities that come attached to owning a franchise, but the experience does not always have to be a dreadful one if creativity enters the picture!

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