ClickBank Start Your Business Super Tips

ClickBank Start Your Business Super Tips

Copied from Chapter 4. How to multiply your sales Without doubt there is one method of selling any item which surpasses all Here’s how it works

-A customer arrives at a site because he has a problem, question or need related to the product offered at that site.

-Instead of charging in for the sale why not ‘presell’ him first with a free book which provides authoritative and valuable information to answer his need, building up his enthusiasm and narrowing down his options so that by the time he reaches the end of the book he is already persuaded to click through to that site and place the order.

All it needs is for the book to be rebranded with your affiliate link. Now if you thought that rebranding involved downloading a rebranding package, running the rebrander tool, entering your personalised information, uploading the resultant file to your site (if you have one) and creating a download page then you are going to be pleasantly shocked.

There is a special technique which avoids all of that. You simply hand out a link. Nothing else. When the customer clicks on it he visits the download page and retrieves the latest copy of the book rebranded on-the-fly with your affiliate information.

Want to see an example of such a book right now ?

 ClickBank Starter SuperTips ClickBank Starter Super Tips.

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About the Author: Wilson Cowden

There are many people who get stuck in a rut because of all their cumbersome duties and responsibilities that come attached to owning a franchise, but the experience does not always have to be a dreadful one if creativity enters the picture!

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